From our friendly receptionists to our caring nurses and expert surgeons, you are in good hands at Northern Lakes Surgery Center.
Meet the team of expert providers who perform surgeries and procedures at Northern Lakes Surgery Center. Contact one of these physicians to have your next surgery at Northern Lakes.
Search our Surgeons
Rebekah Beach, MD Urology
Joseph F. Lemker, MD Orthopedics
Sharon Gossett, MD ColonoscopyEndoscopyGeneral Surgery
Curt Kristensen, DPM Podiatry
Erin Laveau-Allen, CRNA Anesthesia
Dustin Lucarelli, MD ColonoscopyEndoscopyGeneral Surgery
James Mach, Jr., CRNA AnesthesiaInterventional Pain
Michael Momont, MD Orthopedics
Christopher Phillips, DPM Podiatry
Steven Tekippe, MD ColonoscopyEndoscopy
Aimee VanStraaten, MD, FACOG Gynecology
George Wandling, MD Ophthalmology
Providers are independent practitioners of medical services and are not employees or agents of Northern Lakes Surgery Center. Questions regarding your individual treatment plan or charges rendered by your surgeon, anesthesia team or other independent providers should be directed to their offices.